Owners of Sony’s Xperia S phones may be interested in a couple root methods that have been developed for the handsets. The methods get around the locked bootloader of the Xperia S.
Over on the XDA Developer forums, member Sharaz22 has developed a “long” method to root the Xperia S. The method uses several batch files and then users complete some operations on Flashtool. To wrap up the install, Superuser from the Google Play store needs to be installed. Building on the work of Sharaz22 and others, XDA forum member hk2006 has developed a “short” version that is more of a one-click solution that basically wraps the long method into a single batch file.
The two methods do have some issues, including the lack of a custom recovery. With the “short” method, some users are reporting the batch file needs to be run more than once and some users with ICS have reported a factory reset may be required to address some lag issues.
If interested, check out the source links for all the directions and links to files needed.
Source: TalkAndroid
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