If you are a Verizon subscriber and own a Samsung Galaxy S III, you may be receiving an update soon. This is meant to update the kernel and to dumb down the search capabilities of the device. As we have already seen, Samsung has been pushing the same update to both the Sprint and AT&T Galaxy S III.
When we talk about “dumbing down search capabilities” this is what you should expect. Currently, when you search via the search bar, it returns results from the web, apps, contacts, etc. all in a unified manner. However, with the current Apple Vs. Samsung debacle, search results will be limited to the web with no localized results.
If you are having any issues with your S III and get a replacement, your new device will already have been updated to I535VRLG1. The same is expected for those who go out and purchase one today. However, for those of you who jumped on the sale during launch week, we haven’t heard any news of the OTA hitting, but will update you as soon as we know!
Source: TalkAndroid
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