A couple of days ago Google announced a major update to Google Wallet and one of the major changes was the ability to use any major debit or credit card. They mentioned Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express, but apparently American Express wasn’t officially part of the program. An American Express rep said that users a free to load American Express cards into Google Wallet and use them, but they never agreed to anything.
“We want to make sure Google’s mobile wallet product meets the standards we set for our Cardmembers in terms of transparency and clarity about transaction detail,”
AmEx social media VP Bradley Minor told me. “Right now, American Express does not have an agreement with Google for our cards to be used in the Google mobile wallet.”
Later Google made this statement:
“For many years, we’ve accepted American Express, Visa, MasterCard and Discover for online and mobile transactions. The latest version of Google Wallet extends these same benefits to people who choose to use the Google Wallet app to make purchases in-store. We are in active discussions with American Express and look forward to working together as partners as the world embraces digital payments.”
I can’t understand why Google announced American Express as onboard, but hopefully it will get worked out shortly.
View the original article here
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