Gameloft, the popular mobile game developing company, has teased their first Android game that is built upon the all popular Unreal Engine. If you’re not familiar with the Unreal Engine, it is a game engine developed by Epic Games which was first used in the 1998 first-person shooter game Unreal. Although primarily developed for first-person shooters, it has been successfully used in a variety of other genres such as stealth (Splinter Cell Games), MMORPG’s, and RPG’s. The Unreal Engine features a high degree of portability and is a tool used by many game developers.
The picture above was posted on Gameloft’s Facebook page including the teaser: “The story of Gameloft’s 1st Unreal Game will soon be revealed, the hint is hidden in the artwork above, can you find it?” If you’re really curious as to what it may be, you can vote to unlock the teaser trailer on YouTube or unlock the rest of the artwork.
Gameloft makes great games for mobile platforms, thus I have nothing but high expectations for this upcoming game. Any of you guys figure out what this game could be? Sound off in the comments!
Source: Facebook
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