How cool is this!? Some Android fan decided to take it upon himself to design and build his very own Andy the Android mascot (aka Bugdroid) all out of custom ordered LEGO’S. No, you cant currently order a kit to build one for yourself but if you go and support the proposed project on LEGO’S CUUSOO site, the kit may eventually become a reality.
CUUSOO is site run by LEGO’S that encourages people to design and build LEGO projects from the ground up. As if that wasn’t cool enough, LEGO’S up the anti by posting these projects for everyone to see and if the project gets enough public support LEGO’S will send it into production. Unlike other start-up sites like Kickstarter and IndiGoGo, CUUSOO gains supporters simply by asking people to comment on how much they would pay for the kit and how many kits they would buy. Easy enough, and no money involved! Jump past the break for details.
To support the Bugdroid project simply hit up the source link below and create an account using either your Facebook or Twitter account. Once your all dialed in, click the “support” link and enter a reasonable amount of money you expect the kit should cost. If we can get enough enough people to support the project we could all be building our very own Bugdroid in the near future! Spread it!

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